"How He Asked" - Hannah & Lewis

How did Lewis propose?

We were away on holiday in Cyprus. Lewis had planned with the hotel for us to have dinner on the beach and the hotel had set up a private beach for us. He then asked me and there were a few people walking further down the beach who were all clapping.

How did you feel when Lewis proposed?

It was such a huge surprise and I felt so happy. It was great that he had gone to so much effort and planned with the hotel before we had arrived.

Who was the first person you told?

We called our parents straight away.

What are you most excited about on your wedding day?

When we got married last May it was such a great feeling to know that all of our family and friends had made the effort to share our special day with us.
It was great to become a proper little family, all with the same surname. Our son, Roman was almost 18 months old at the time we got married.